Ways to Support Us

Donate to "Keeping Children's Vision in Sight" Gala 2023

Your tax-deductible, financial donation which will go directly towards funding "Keeping Children's Vision in Sight" Gala 2023 is greatly appreciated and can be made by clicking the PayPal donation button below. Follow instructions to enter payment information.

Click here to learn more about Gala 2023.

Donate to General Giving

Your tax-deductible, financial donation is greatly appreciated and can be made by clicking the PayPal donation button below. Follow instructions to enter payment information.


The foundation welcomes volunteer help! For example, we have information brochures that could be distributed to pediatricians and nursery schools. There are many other volunteer opportunities.

If you are interested in volunteering, or in providing financial support for our programs please contact us by email at info@childrensglaucomafoundation.org.


Some families have organized benefits such as basketball tournaments, golfing events, and races. Others have run in marathons with sponsors.  Anyone wishing to be in contact with a family who has run a benefit please call 617-227-3011.


Air & Anchor, a new lifestyle company, generously supports the Children’s Glaucoma Foundation through “Give a Cuff.”